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Season 1

June 7, 2018

Ep. 100 - The Summer of Race-Baiting Has Begun

The summer of identity politics and race-baiting officially kicked off last week with three events that all occurred on the same day; the Starbucks racial bias training, MSNBC's 'Everyday Racism In America' Town Hall, and th…
May 26, 2018

Ep. 99 - Stormy Daniels Is Lying & How Our Rights Are Covertly Being Taken Away (Originally Aired on 5.12.18 on WSB)

How the Mueller probe, the Cosby trial, #metoo, and other current events are being used to covertly take away our rights. Plus, evidence from Stormy Daniels past suggest that she's a political operative who is willing to tel…
May 19, 2018

Ep. 98 - Soros Funded Stacey Abrams Misleads Her Supporters & Abrams Scary Education Plan (Show Originally Aired on May 5th, 2018 on WSB)

Despite claiming to be a grassroots candidate in the Georgia Gubernatorial race, democrat Stacey Abrams is funded by liberal billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer. We discuss her truly terrifying plan for the public educa…
May 17, 2018

Ep. 97 - Are British Elites Behind The Russian Interference Psyop? We Lay Out The Evidence

A Case Against the UK Based Chatham House & Sir Andrew Wood
April 5, 2018

Ep. 91 - YouTube Shooter Dialectic & Local News Is Under Attack

To separate the public from local influences, local news has come under attack. Plus we discuss the long list of dialectics at play in the Youtube shooter story.  If you haven’t, Subscribe to the Propaganda Report podcast on…